Encrypt password with MD5 algorithm for table field after insert or update in Microsoft SQL Server

Hi guy ! in this post I would like to share you how to encrypt password with MD5 algorithm in Microsoft SQL Server by create Trigger function(T-SQL).


     In this example, I have a table, Tbluser, in my database and I want to encrypt password automatically for password table field when the table is got any transactions such as insert or update.

Sample table: TblUser
Sample table: TblUser
Now time to create trigger function for table, TblUser. To create Trigger function, go to table TblUser --> click to expand the table --> right click on Triggers, choose New Trigger...

Create a new Trigger function
Create a new Trigger function
Now time to coding...


        HashBytes ( 'algorithm', {variable} )
Note: algorithm: MD2,MD4,MD5,SHA,SHA1

Create trigger [dbo].[encryptPwd] on [dbo].[TblUser]
after insert,update
  declare @upwd varchar(50)
  declare @uID varchar(50)
    select @upwd = i.password, @uID= i.UserID from inserted i;
    update TblUser set password=HASHBYTES('md5',@upwd) where UserID=@uID

Press F5 to excute. Now you get a trigger function named encryptPwd.


This function encrypt data on Password field of TblUser with MD5 algorithm when you insert or update password for user.

Encrypt password field with MD5 algorithm
Encrypt password field with MD5 algorithm

Query for selecting data from table TblUser

declare @uID varchar(50) = 'user id'
declare @upwd varchar(50) = 'user password'

SELECT UserID,name, [password] FROM TblUser
WHERE (UserID = @uID) AND ([password] =

(SELECT CAST(HashBytes('md5', @upwd) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS pass))

Done...Hope this post is useful for you.

Encrypt password with MD5 algorithm for table field after insert or update in Microsoft SQL Server Encrypt password with MD5 algorithm for table field after insert or update in Microsoft SQL Server Reviewed by BeiLover on 1:52 PM Rating: 5


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