check if table exist in database and table is null data or not in SQL Server

In this article, I would like to show how to check if table exist in database and table is null data or not in MS SQL Server. Please examine example below:

I. Check if table exist in database

This example, I create a stored procedure to check whether table is exist in database or not. if the table  is exist in database​, I’ll delete the table. If the table is not exist in database, I'll create the table. If you didn't know how to create a stored procedure, please click here.

Create procedure [dbo].[sp_checktable]
  if exists(select * from sys.objects where object_id=OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tbl_tempTable]') and type in(N'U'))
       --delete table tbl_tempTable            
      drop table [dbo].[tbl_tempTable]
         --create table tbl_tempTable
      create table [dbo].[tbl_tempTable](userid int,name nvarchar(50),gender nvarchar(6))

II. Check if table is null data
 I create a procedure to check table. If the table has data, I'll delete all data in the table. I'll insert data into the table if the table is null data.
Create procedure [dbo].[sp_checkdata]
  --Check if table has data
     if exists (select * from tbl_tempInvoice)
         --delete data from table, tbl_tempTable
         delete tbl_tempInvoice
         --insert data into table, tbl_tempTable
         insert into [dbo].[tbl_tempTable (userid,name,gender) values(1,'Tharoth','Female')

Hope this post is helpful for you.
check if table exist in database and table is null data or not in SQL Server check if table exist in database and table is null data or not in SQL Server Reviewed by BeiLover on 10:14 PM Rating: 5

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