Create function in to connect database in SQL Server 2008

I would like to share how to create a function to connect  ASP.Net with SQL Server 2008. In this post , i will guide you to create a function in to connect to SQL Server 2008 and how to calling the function on event load page.

Import two namespaces 
//import these two namespaces :System.Data and System.Data.SqlClient  to use  .NET Framework Data //Provider for SQL Server
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

function ConnectionToDB in Class connection :

public SqlConnection ConnectToDB()   {
    SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection();
    // SqlConnection : Represents an open connection to a SQL Server database.
 sqlcon.ConnectionString="Server= UBEE_THAROTH ;Database=Drink;uid=sa;pwd=123;";
           //open connection to SQL Server
            return cn;
    }catch (Exception ex){
            // return null if can not connect to database in SQL Sever 2008
            return null;

  •    UBEE_THAROTH  : is server name.
  •  Drink  :  is database name.
  •  sa  : is username to login in to database.
  •  123 : is password to login in to database.
Calling function in event page_load:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

   SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection();
   //Calling function connectToDB                                       sqlcon=connectToDB();

Done.....Hope this post  useful for you.:) :)
Create function in to connect database in SQL Server 2008 Create function  in to connect database in  SQL Server 2008 Reviewed by BeiLover on 12:52 PM Rating: 5

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